Nibbling, Time Flying and Scratching in the Earth .....

By Sue15cat

The polytunnel fared pretty well with me being away for the weekend.  By watering heavily before I left and moving all the pots into trays without drainage holes I seemed to have managed to keep everything alive.
I was over there for a couple of hours yesterday evening, tending, weeding, watering and generally checking that everything had survived without me, while I was there I ate the four luscious strawberries that beckoned to me from the hanging basket and rather than eat a full blown meal in nibbly form I decided to pick a selection of things for tea.
The choice is still limited at the moment of course, but what is there is so delicious I really could just eat this everyday, after all eating what's available with the seasons is what growing your own is all about.

My trusty salad spinner is back in action on the work top.
I've just checked to see when I got this as I remembered looking at the photograph that it was a product I was asked to review ... it turns out it was in August 2010  (see HERE) ... wow ... where has the time gone!!

Oh and all three items are still going strong :-)

Once rinsed, washed and spun I picked out the things I wanted for tea, radish, mixed leaves, pea shoots and spring onion thinnings, and wow are those getting a powerful onion taste to them.

Then I put the excess leaves on kitchen paper in a stayfresh bag.  An poly ordinary bag works almost as well, but I still have some of these.  I wash them after each use and leave to dry and then they get used over and over.  The same three are possibly almost as old as the salad spinner come to think of it.  (They were from Lakeland.)

With a peg to keep out the air the leaves will stay fresh for a week or more, but I somehow doubt they will last that long, with a few more radishes and pea shoots from the polytunnel they will most likely disappear into tonight's tea.

Last nights simple meal, with a dollop of my favorite mayonnaise.

Mother Goose and her babies.
She was teaching them to scratch in the grass to find food, fascinating to watch, just four days old and they are already getting the hang of feeding themselves ... just like Mummy does.  

Oh and that's not Mother Goose making all the noise in the video clip, it was Poppy, the Lavender Pekin telling me to come over for a selfie .... only I don't think she's quite got the hang of it yet!!
Sue xx