NHL 2010 Winter Classic- Fenway Park

By Rpanichelli @Richie_Pan
This past January I was up in Boston for the 2010 Winter Classic. After watching my first pro hockey game outside, I wish all games were outside. The site was the legendary Fenway Park, home of the Boston Red Sox. The weather was cold, but not freezing. No wind! It was the perfect winter day. The crowd (in my opinion) was split down the middle with Flyers and Bruins fans. The event was sold out and you could feel all of the emotion in the stands.
Growing up in the US, specifically Philadelphia, hockey is not a known sport to be popular in the area (for playing organized). There is no where to play ice hockey outside (in my area). That is why I think it was such a treat and privilege to play this great sport out doors. It's just one of those things you had to be there for.
I was also able to check out some of the town. It is a nice place to visit and maybe reside. I stopped in Cheers (nothing like the show) and it was a welcoming spot, like some of the locals that I was able to meet. Little Italy (North End) had some fine food and the local watering holes were up to par. I would go there again.

If there was a roof, I would've of touched it.


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