Institution officials confirmed that the University of the Philippines Twitter account was compromised two days ago. NFT scammers were behind the attack and renamed the Twitter account to contemporary artist ‘Takashi Murakami’. Takashi lately announced his NFT series named Murakami Flowers that has excellent performance and a floor of 6.6 ETH.
Hacked account tweets advertised fake airdrops to the Murakami’s Flowers series. The report claimed that the bad actor was advertising “free” NFTs, and only needing to pay for gas.
As the tweets were released, they are currently removed from Twitter. Nevertheless, NFT scammers who hijacked Twitter accounts appear to be a regular theme.
University of the Philippines account hackers advertise NFT scam
Accounts with main hackers have been targeted, often leading to a scam NFT giveaway. People appear to be interested in these things because no one can send the message which an account has been hacked before it is too late. The NFT community should repeat so that it never click any link three times without checking.
A recent scam occurred where the official Instagram account of Bored Ape Yacht Club was hacked. Thus, $2.8 million worth of assets were stolen in this hack.
Twitter and Discord accounts which do not enable 2FA are more possibly to be hacked. In addition, for this reason, it is recommended to use 2-factor authentication in the NFT space, and never connect to any unknown link.
The University of Philippines communications team responded quickly to the hack. As a result, people could see the messages and not get caught in the scam. In addition, there is no official statistics on whether anyone had a fake mint link, but already it does not seem important to the affected people.
Official University Of The Philippines Twitter Account Hacked By NFT Scammer
Institution officials confirmed that the University of the Philippines Twitter account was compromised yesterday. NFT scammers were behind the attack and they renamed the Twitter account after contemporary artist “Takashi Murakami.” Takashi recently released his NFT collection called Murakami Flowers which is doing extremely well and has a floor of 6.6 ETH.
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