According to DappRadar’s recent research, NFT and gaming-centric DApps have been competitive with DeFi DApps on many major blockchains during the last year.
Looking back over the last year, it’s evident that nonfungible tokens (NFTs) have maintained their importance in the expanding Web3 sector. The debut of NFTs signified the beginning of a change from speculative bubbles to beneficial long-term endeavors.
2022 NFT sales
According to the most recent DappRadar survey of blockchain and decentralized application (DApp) usage in 2022, the number of NFTs sold in 2018 reached 101 million, a 67.57% increase over 2017.
Ethereum has the largest NFT ecosystem, processing over 21.2 million transactions and controlling 21% of the industry. Following it are Wax (14.5 million), Polygon (13.3 million), and Solana (9.5 million) (12.9 million).
The number of transactions in the Solana and ImmutableX ecosystems increased by 440% and 315%, respectively, year on year.
Meanwhile, the numbers show that the BNB ecosystem stays unchanged, with roughly 1 million transactions in both 2021 and 2022.
During the past year, there has been a shift in the types of DApps that are most popular on various blockchains. According to the report’s research of 13 different blockchains, decentralized financial (DeFi) apps would prevail on all but two of them by 2021.
How were NFT sales on different blockchains?
However, in 2018, a dramatic shift toward high-risk, gaming, and NFT DApps leveled the playing field.
Shown in the report, Ethereum and Cardano have the most developers actively developing new on-chain protocols (223 and 151, respectively).
On the modular blockchains Polkadot and Cosmos, network developer activity surged by 16% and 131.7%, respectively.
In addition to their fame in the Web3 community, NFTs made their way into mainstream culture in 2017. Whether it’s the NBA’s continuous embrace of NFTs or Amazon’s decision to produce a documentary series about NFT collectors, the concept of NFTs is gaining traction.
At the end of 2017, China launched its first national NFT platform to serve as a secondary market for the trading of digital assets.