Newspaper of the Future? Sure, There Will Be One (in Some Form)

Posted on the 30 April 2013 by Themarioblog @garciainteract

TAKEAWAY: It’s an all time favorite pastime: to predict what the newspaper of the future will be like. Think smaller, think not published daily, think the science fiction model, or perhaps no print newspaper at all in some places. PLUS: Maximania hits both Holland and Argentina as Maxima is crowned Queen of Holland


In the 1920s it was radio that was supposed to kill the newspaper. Then it was TV news. Then it was the Internet. The newspaper has evolved and adapted (remember when TV news killed the evening edition newspaper?) and will continue to evolve for many decades to come.

This is straight from en entertaining article about the seemingly always present desire to predict what the newspaper of the future would be like.

As long as there is such a thing as a newspaper, there will be predictions of how the next generation of newspapers will be like. 

In my 41 years in this business, I have participated in my share of “newspaper of the future” conferences, including the most memorable for me, at the American Press Institute in 1999.  For that one a group of editors/designers were challenged to create the newspaper of the year 2020.

The difference between then and now is that nobody questioned if there would be a newspaper in the future, while now, at similar gatherings, the big elephant in the room is the lingering question: will newspapers survive at all?

Will there be a newspaper in 2030?

Of course there will be, I say.  The form it will take is a different matter. The frequency of publication a hot topic of interest. But I have no doubt that there is a newspaper in our future, and that of my grandchildren as well.

What nobody can tell you with certainty is what that newspaper will look like and in which platform/format it will appear.

I don’t think anyone can predict anything beyond three years in current media environment, although I respect anyone who ventures beyond that, and I am definitely interested in the models they may produce.

But one can always take a guess of some generalities that are likely to come through:

-The printed newspaper that continues to publish is definitely going to be smaller in format, as small as my favorite A4 size. Take a look at what such newspapers as Austria’s Kleine Zeitung and Kronen Zeitung, Germany’s Hamburger MorgenPost and Spain’s ABC look like, and you will get a good picture of the size of things to come.

-People will read newspapers in platforms other than one that includes the contact of ink with paper.

For the rest, nobody can assert with confidence what the concept of a newspaper will resemble in 2025 and after.

One thing is for sure: there will be a newspaper in some form. Our desire for stories transcends the technological advances that will get those stories to us. 

Storytelling has never been more important, neither has our hunger for news and information been more prevalent.

Our concept for newspaper of 2020

Here was my concept for the newspaper of 2020—as seen from the perspective of a 1999 “newspaper of the future” seminar at the American Press Institute. A lot of it holds still today—-or tomorrow?

Blog post about newspaper of 2020

Read more:

It’s all about Maxima, new Queen of Holland

Front page of today’s De Telegraaf in the Netherlands (courtesy of art director Hans Haasnoot)

Top Argentine fashion designer Graciela Naum, and artist Laura Gualdon, have created the Collection Maxima to honor the new Queen of Holland

De Telegraaf’s specials about the crowning of the new King and Queen of Holland today

I happened to be in Argentina when it found out that the new Pope would be one of their own. And what a celebration that was.

Well, I happen to be in Argentina now for what the locals call Maximania, the crowning today of Maxima Zorreguieta, the Buenos Aires born currently princess of Netherlands who will be crowned Queen today, following the abdication of her mother in law, Queen Beatrix.

As I ran this morning, all the press kiosks sell souvenir editions of supplements, magazines and books with Maxima on the cover: Reina argentina (The Argentina queen). How proud they are also shows on the windows of chic boutiques of Buenos Aires, where one of the top designers, Graciela Naum, in conjunction with the artist Laura Gualdoni has dedicated an entire collection of T shirts and scarves to honor her Majesty Maxima.

Grand Hotel and Citi will offer special celebratory breakfasts for those who wish to watch the coronation ceremony on TV. The menu includes Dutch delicacies, and a special cake with the flags of Holland and Argentina on top.

But for my friends in Holland, it is special too: the crowning of their new King (Willem-Alexander) and Queen, so Hans Haasnoot, art director of De Telegraaf sends me his special supplements to celebrate the historic moment.

For more:

TheMarioBlog post #1249