NEWS! - Relaunch Imminent!

Posted on the 11 September 2010 by Made4aid
Thanks so much to those of you still checking in here and being willing to support made4aid.
Well, much has happened in the last few months in my life.
My employment situation is now sorted and my job is permanent (as much as anything is permanent in this world and especially in the world of education in the UK). With less stress and anxiety about work I am ready to re-focus on made4aid, and looking forward to starting stitching, knitting, weaving and sewing again.
I have had a wonderful holiday in Kerala, India. Though the poverty there is less extreme than in other parts of India, I have come back inspired not only by the wonderful crafts, fabrics and colours of India but much more by the people. Especially by seeing how very little some people have and make do with. Kerala has such riches in natural resources, but such inequalities.

We met fishermen trawling for what seemed like pretty paltry quantities - small fish, prawns, if they were lucky, a king prawn or two - for which they said they would be paid 100 rupees per kilo, thats around £1.40, $2.00.

How much would a prawn curry or king prawn starter cost in the comfortable hotel we were staying in, just a few hundred yards away? Who was getting the profit? certainly not the fishermen.

We met a local weaver who made fantastic coir fibre door-mats, hand tufted and cut - they were very tough and substantial and so skillfully made.

He told us that he could expect to make 3 of these a day - 4 on a good day - and would be paid 150 rupees = £2 = $3 for each = a long way from the £12-15 minimum we'd have to pay for something similar.

We met and saw so many people who seemed to be getting by on very little. And these people are maybe more fortunate than some in India and elsewhere in the world.

I came away realising again how privileged my life is in ways I constantly take for granted.
I have the luxury of making things because I like to feel creative and enjoy the process, not because it is a way to earn a basic, hard-won living.
- lets see if made4aid can continue to raise money for relief work and aid through the skills and efforts of artists and crafters who are able and willing to give.
made4aid has now provided evidence which has satisfied Paypal that we are bona fide.
We will continue selling but in a new way, through an Etsy shop.
The World Food Programme USA seem to be willing (enthusiastic even) to recognise made4aid as one of their fundraisers, which is necessary for rules on Etsy selling for charity - so I think this means we are good to go.
look out here for an announcement, when the made4aid Etsy shop is open for business.
If you are interested in donating items to be sold, please look at the made4aid website which gives details on how to go about this. And/or you can email me at: