News: Celebrating World Pasta Day with Tony Macaroni

By Emma @glasgowfoodie

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Cooking with Tony Macaroni for World Pasta Day

It's not every day you get to cook at Tony Macaroni with group Head Chef Danny O'Donnell who guided me through making two pasta dishes for World Pasta Day including the newest addition to the Tony Macaroni menu, Spaghetti con Verdure Verde.

This new dish was developed by Kayla from the East Kilbride restaurant. She was certainly influenced by local tastebuds. Did you know that 54 tonnes of chilli is used each year at the 15 Tony Macaroni restaurants in Scotland?! That's a lot of chilli even for Mr Foodie!

An unusual sight for me, the other side of the restaurant to cook this time. No pressure eh?!

Thankfully I had chef Danny to help take me through each step. We cooked Tony Macaroni best seller Spaghetti Carbonara, Scottish style with cream. I couldn't wait to try this as the smell of the bacon and cream bubbling away was. 😍

The finished dish.

Creamy, meaty and perfectly cooked spaghetti if I must say so myself. 😂

Next up, the new addition to the menu Spaghetti con verdura verde. I added extra garlic and chilli for Mr Foodie to give him a little surprise!

I changed the pasta to penne, as why not!?

Yum! Well, I think so, it disappeared quickly when I brought it home!

Thank you to Tony Macaroni and chef Danny for showing me behind the scenes for World Pasta Day. The new menu for Tony Macaroni is available now and includes dishes such as spicy breaded chicken burger and spaghetti con verdure verde.

Buon Appetito!

Find out how Tony Macaroni is celebrating World Pasta Day here

And here is the new menu.