New York Social Media ‘Big-Wig’s’

Posted on the 20 April 2013 by Zafar @seompdotcom

New York Social Media ‘Big-Wig’s’

New York has always been perceived, and rightfully so, as a hub of American business operations. So, it certainly makes sense that the growing industry of social media in New York has attracted some of the top thought leaders, and brightest minds on the topic. Social media in New York is an exploding sector of marketing in it’s own right, rapidly rising to prominence in these past couple of years. As evidenced by the seemingly endless multitude of conventions, roundtables, speakers, social media in New York is gaining more respect and understanding, while showing no signs of slowing down.

This is great for marketers and non-marketers alike, but those in the industry should especially take note of some of the more prominent figures within the social media landscape of New York. Some provide actual advice and industry thought leadership on social media and it’s application for marketing, while others are more like ‘case studies’, an example of how to connect (and how not to connect) through social media.

Here is our list of some of the most important ‘Social Media Big-Wigs’ in the New York area:

*Mayor Mike Bloomberg*: Come on, you knew this one was coming. One of the most highly visible politicians on traditional mediums, it would only make sense that he qualifies as a important figure in social media in New York Boasting over 54,700 likes on his Facebook Page, Bloomberg shows us how elected officials, who are often seen as distant from the people and out of touch (especially in a city as large as New York) can use social media to connect with their communities in a meaningful way.

*The City Itself*: One thing that takes a lot of people by surprise about social media in New York is how fast the city was to adopt social media practices. From the New York City Government, to the Campaign Finance Board, to the Taxi and Limousine Commission, they span a huge social media presence, including on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, WordPress, Foursquare, you name it. Further credibility comes from the Huffington Post, who declared New York City the #3 most ‘social’ city in America.

For a comprehensive list of NYC Social Media sites, click here:

*Dave Kerpen*: Boasting a Linkedin Profile with 101,849 followers, Dave Kerpen is the current CEO of Likeable, a company widely respected for insights on social media in New York. He is a thought leader for Linkedin, providing marketing lessons, tips, and do’s and don’ts equally applicable for small business and large companies alike.

Find his profile here:

Who else do you think is a social media big wig in New York? Let us know in the comments!

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