New Years Resolution: Simplify Everything

By Savvybrown @savvybrownblog

If you saw my New Year’s Day Post, then you’ll know that one of my goals is to live simply. The purpose of this change of lifestyle is to make my day-to-day tasks easier to accomplish in order to allow me to become more efficient, healthy and hopefully, punctual.

This idea came to fruition almost two years ago to the day when I was in a rehabilitation center learning how to walk properly again after a stroke. I was hit with the frightening notion that if my motor skills did not “come back online” so to speak, I would be stuck with a cane, a limp and slower response time forever. I remember thinking back then that I needed to simplify things if that was going to be my new life. And for a time I did. I didn’t have a choice. I wore the same three outfits every week, the same sneakers, I basically ate the same food every day that the center provided, I went to bed at the same time every day and I woke up when the doctors did their early morning rounds. I didn’t have to make many decisions and that contributed greatly to my healing.

Fortunately, today I am cane and limp free and the use of my left hand has returned to normal. You can guess what happened next right? I went right back to my old habits of multitasking (unsuccessfully I might add), staying up late and never seeming to get enough done.

Not this year.

This year, I’m going to explore the following:

  • Selling What I Don’t Need
  • Capsule Wardrobes
  • Meal Planning
  • Short but regular workouts
  • Fix It and Forget It Finances
  • Time management for the Overwhelmed
  • Work Smarter Not Longer
  • Take a simple vacation

– What are ways that you can simplify your life?

Photo Credits: Ananda Escudero Gomes/unsplash ; naka/dollarphoto