New Years Resolution and January Acting Classes

By Adam Stadius @AdamStadius

Happy New Year Everyone.

I’m currently sat on the train on the way back to London which means a number of things: my holidays are coming to an end, term is about to start, I need to go back to the gym and it’s time to make 2014 work.

I always feel recharged after time at home.  Durham is a gorgeous city and when it is full of many of my favorite people there isn’t a better place to be. I needed these two weeks off; the last several weeks of work in November/December were incredibly stressful, busy and rewarding in equal measures.  I love my job and my work however it can leave you drained.  Teaching, especially anything performance related is physically demanding, it can’t be any other.  Teachers aren’t allowed a lazy day, or a one to just sit behind a desk, piano or ballet bar and “teach” from that point.  I’ve yet to find the way in which to do this, if it can be done I’d love to know how.  In the meantime, my battery is stocked, and I’m raring to see what the new year will bring me.   I have a number of plans.  Forgive me if this blog is somewhat more of a personal reflection rather than my usual, fully work-related posts.  They shall resume rather soon!

New Year Resolution

2013 saw the beginnings of me really taking control and setting foundations for the way in which I want to teach and where I see my teaching career going forward.  Job in London, check. Living in a nice area of London, check.  Teaching at an excellent school, check.  Further pushing my own teaching practice, check.  Getting my name out and about, check.  In a short space of time, just this year, I’ve worked with roughly 380 professionals, drama school graduates, drama school students, students I’m employed to teach and novices, I just about reckon I could tell you most of their names.  Most.  Quite a wide range!

2014 is all about pushing and building on the foundations I worked to develop last year.  Last year I was pushing, probably too-hard-too-quick, for people to come and work with me.  This year I want that to reverse, people are beginning to want to work with me and seek me out and this is what I need, it tells me I’m not an idiot and that I know what I’m doing and people are beginning to acknowledge that.  I have to say a huge thank you within that to the people who are championing what I do and spreading the word.  I continue to hope that is because they value my work, as much as my friendship, and that means a lot.

To those of you who are interested in what I do, here’s an opportunity for you.  I’m running a series of Meisner Acting Workshops starting the 21st of January.  There are still a few spaces available:

Where: Church on the Corner, Angel  

When: 21st January – 11th February(Tuesday Evenings 6.30pm-9.30pm)

Course Cost £80 (Student discounts available, email me)

You can read a little more about it here including past comments, feedback etc:

For info, or to book, email me

You want to know what I know, you will be changed as an actor (potentially, as a person) and you will be truthful.  These aren’t empty promises. Invest in yourselves as Actors, it's never too late to develop.
