New Years Beauty Resolutions
By Glossqueen
Yes, I know it's not the new year yet. I did consider waiting to post this until the start of the year, however I'm not good at waiting and I'm doing this now, so I decided to post it now. I've never understood waiting for a certain time/occasion to make a change, if I'm going to make a change I do it now, not on Monday or in the new year. But I digress.
I have decided to set myself a challenge/goal. My aim is to use up:
A lipstick, lip gloss, nail polish, foundation, face powder, blush, eye shadow and eye liner. I have way too much make-up and it's about time I started using it up, so I am going to use the same few products until I've used something up. Ideally my aim is to finish at least one of each category every year. I know that I can finish two foundations a year and I'm sure I can finish a few lipsticks and lip glosses every year too.
I'm not putting myself on a spending ban or anything like that, I'm just going to make a concerted effort to use things up. I have also implemented a Beauty Budget of $25 per week. I don't think this will be difficult to stick to as I don't tend to buy that much and the things that I buy are usually on sale at Priceline. I'm going to put the money aside every week so that I can keep track of what I've spent.
Twice a year I'm going to have a make-up clear out and give away or throw out the products that I don't use. Ultimately I'd like to be able to fit all my make-up in one train case.
And that folks, is my September New Years Beauty Resolution.