New Year’s Resolutions: Yea Or Nay?

By Forayintofood @ForayIntoFood

Have you abandoned your New Year’s Resolutions yet? 

I’ve been doing really well this year, but to be honest with you, I rarely set New Year’s Resolutions.  I prefer to set goals at the beginning of the school year, because my life is dictated by my kids’ school schedules.

I have one long term goal which I started working on a year or so ago.  It is: Do at least one thing every month to improve my preparedness.

The one thing can be practically anything.  Some months, I buy some additional food for food storage,

Food storage!

or I learn a new skill (like baking bread, patching holes in clothes, using old clothes to make a blanket or other useful item, or making my own spice mixes),

or I inventory what I have on hand and see if anything needs to be replaced or used before it expires,

This is the food storage iPhone app I use called aptly enough, “Food Storage App.”

or I purchase non-food supplies such as soap, first aid supplies, laundry or dish detergent, blankets, batteries, etc.

When I’m really on the ball, I do more than one thing!

This year, I set some real resolutions.  Want to know what they are?  You don’t have to twist my arm.  I’ll share.  Here they are:

1.  Index 1 batch a week and arbitrate as many batches as possible.  (Indexing is part of genealogy.  I use a free computer program to view historical documents and input information from it into the program.  The data is used to create a free, internet, searchable database used to find your ancestors.  You can find the database and info here.)
2.  Exercise more regularly.  This is pretty self-explanatory!
3.  Read Old Testament (This is a 2-year goal.)  I started this several years ago, but I stopped after finishing Numbers.  I’m determined to read the entire thing cover to cover within the next 2 years.
4.  Intelligently add to food storage.  This is a continuation of my prior goal, but more focused.  I want to increase the variety in my food storage and make sure I store things I’ll actually use.

Well, what do you think?  How are you doing with your goals?  What keeps you  motivated?

Please share!