New Year’s Resolutions for 2017

By Stylecarrot @StyleCarrot

Photo by Marni Elyse Katz/StyleCarrot

A friend posted her New Year’s resolutions on Facebook last week saying that she heard that telling people your resolutions helps you stick to them. In this realm of fake news masquerading as fact, I vow to confirm information prior to spreading it, even something as benign as this.

Indeed, according to the American Psychological Association, discussing intentions strengthens accountability. Forming realistic resolutions—and not too many of them—helps too. As does being specific rather than generalizing.

I spent the morning lolling in bed with my tea, paring down and honing my list of New Year’s resolutions. Here’s what i’ve settled on, in no particular order. Feel free to share your resolutions below. They say it helps.

My resolutions for 2017:

• I will continue to voraciously read well-researched articles on respected sources, eschew sensationalism, and keep an eye on what the other side is saying. Becoming better informed was the single positive outcome of the election for me.

• I will be involved in our political system in a way that effects change in the 2018 midterm elections and the 2020 presidential race. I have some ideas that I’ve been researching and discussing, and will keep you informed once they’re better developed. (Unless you think a design blog isn’t the place?)

• I will blog regularly, creating more original content. (Sorry I dropped off this past year.)

• I will tackle one de-cluttering project per week.

• I will do cardiovascular exercise daily. Really.

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