New Year Resolutions

By Smilinglikesunshine @smilinglikesuns
The beginning of the year is always a good time for new resolutions. Personally my aim for 2015 is slowing down, being more mindful, exercising on a regular basis and eating a more healthy diet. Sometimes I feel like the sleepless nights spent writing assignments and a busy life as a student mom of two children is taking the toll on my health. I am no longer in my twenties so it's high time making some changes.
Being prepared is the most important step:
I have spent last week reorganizing the recipes that I have collected over the past few months. Being organized is so important. When I don't know what to cook and if I  am in a hurry,I am more likely to cook pasta or fish and chips.Therefore I have done a menu plan for January and I will carry on doing this for the coming months. This helps me to track what food groups we are getting and makes shopping much easier,too.
Increasing our veg intake:
I started juicing which enables us to consume more veggies and greens. I aim to decrease our sugar in take,so I don't use much fruit. In fact, I aim for three or four vegetables and  one kind of fruit.
More exercise:
I don't like going to the gym. At all. So I take the time to exercise at home. No pressure, plus it's free! As a bonus, the children enjoy seeing mommy exercising and join in,too!
It is now scientifically proven that meditation not only calms you down but it is good for your health. Again, we also try to teach this practice to our children. Even 3-4 year olds can start practicing this for short periods such as two minutes. There are some wonderful books for teaching meditation to children.
January has gone pretty quickly and I am happy with the changes I have made and I am hoping to keep them up. Have you got any life style resolutions?
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