New Year Recipes; Essential Oil Recipes for New Beginnings

By Yellowstar2000 @TherapeuticOils

Happy New Year!!! Can you believe it’s 2014 already????

Yes, 2013 is now come and gone, and we find ourselves at the beginning of a brand new year. I love new beginnings. It’s like a fresh start; a way to press the re-start button on a whole new life. We have the chance to put those things behind us that no longer work for us, or are unhealthy, or cause us negativity in our lives. Whoo hoo! Out with the old, in with the new. I am ready.

Here’s a few essential oil blends that can help you get started from my recipe articles:

Read all about these in my Yahoo! article here.

thanks so much for reading, and many blessings to you and yours this new year!!