New Year, New You

By Amy Havins @dallaswardrobe

jacket c/o // leggings c/o // sports bra c/o // shoes c/o

If you saw my post last week you know that I shared some of my 2017 new years resolutions. While the short list that I did make this year seems manageable, one thing that I added that I have never added in the past is to run outside at least 1 time every two weeks. I know that sounds like a more than manageable goal but as someone who constantly catches yoga and spin classes, this resolution is actually a challenge to me.

As weird as it sounds, one thing that instantly helps me to become motivated for a work out (of any kind) is new gear. I mean who doesn’t feel so much more inspired to be active when they have a cute work out outfit on? I for one feel 100000 times more motived when I look good.

One way that I have decided to jump start and keep my resolution of running outside at least 1 time every two weeks (while still attending my spin and yoga classes) is add some new Tory Sport to my wardrobe. You may remember my post last fall (click here to see), introducing a cute Tory Sport look to my tennis/golf wardrobe and trust me when I say, I have never felt cuter riding in the golf cart with my husband (I wore this outfit golfing with him last week)! Since I am not always riding along with him (I only go once in a blue moon), I thought some fresh Tory Sport leggings, sports bra and wind breaker would be the perfect additions to my work out wardrobe and give me that extra push of motivation!

Needless to say, my new Tory Sport gear that I added to my wardrobe has really jumpstarted my work out routine. I can proudly say that I went on one jog and one walk outside this last week! I really do encourage you to start this year on the right foot and by adding a little Tory Sport to your active wardrobe. I promise it will really help your new year fitness routine!

This post was brought to you by Tory Sport. All opinions are my own!

images by sukilynn

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