New Year, New Look

By Awildernesslovestory @dancelittlejean

I updated the theme on my blog. I felt it was time for a change. The previous theme has been up almost three years and is a little bland. I wanted something more whimsical. We’ll see how long it stays up. I’m not entirely sure of how to add widgets, which is soon going to be a requirement for my paid blogging job, so if I can’t add a button, the new design may find itself in file 13.

Last week on my HealthyPlace Blog, I wrote about New Year’s Resolutions.  I hadn’t initially planned on writing it, but given that it’s a new year and people are bombarded by diet and fitness ads at every turn, it seemed like the timely thing to do.  To be honest, I kind of avoid New Year’s Resolutions.  The thought of having to keep up with something for an entire year is overwhelming.

I do, on the other hand, make seasonal lists of things I would like to accomplish.  It’s a habit I picked up from my roommate, though I have not yet begun to adhere to her belief that the list should be shorter rather than longer.  Some of the things on the list are things I want to do, some are things I need to do.

On the “need to do” side of the list is “don’t lose weight.”  Which, I am sad to say, I have already failed at.  (Seriously, who loses weight over the Christmas holiday?  A recovering anorexic, that’s who. My dietitian was not pleased at all.)  However, I think if I gain that weight back, I think I should be allowed to still cross that one off the list.  So, there is hope yet!

Without further ado, my winter list:

Did you make resolutions?  Do you make seasonal lists?  What’s going on with you?