New Year – Memories, Goals & Dreams

By Maliasa
What are your creative resolutions for 2017?

This time of the year we all reflect on the "good" and the "bad" of the previous year and many us make New Year's Resolutions for the upcoming year.

Often lists are filled with words like More and Less. We promise to "exercise More" and "eat Less sugar".

I prefer to make goals instead of putting more pressure on myself on what I should do.

The focus should be on what we like to do. And the goals should should be specific and easy to describe. A common practice is to set goals that are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound). So instead of "I want to be more creative" you can be using the SMART descriptors change it to "I will draw an innovation every week."

Regular goal setting is important for everyone, and if we make it fun and turn it into a creative exercise, it can become a habit for life. For example, the goal to exercise could be accompanied with a picture where the child draws themselves playing sport or exercising. Or a picutre of them using their new innovation.

You can buy this booklet at TpT: New Year: Memories, Goals & Dreams