New Wrinkle in America's Cup - Oracle Accused of Cheating

By Sailingguide

First, a disclaimer. I'm one of those traditionalists who has been rather appalled by what has happened to the America's Cup racing with advent of those big catamarans with wing sails. As I hear from so many others, the Cup has become a game of billionaires and has very little to do with actual sailing. So I haven't written much about it, even while I still read the news and follow some of the action on YouTube, because I'm simply not much interested. But a recent story titled "Oracle to Be Banned from the AC?" caught my attention. It's too complicated to be easily summarized here, but apparently the Oracle team made unpermitted modifications in three AC45 boats (which went on to win the World Series) - adding one more legal issue to a whole host of legal issues that seem the only sport involved in these races. You can read the story here. I'm just passing this on before I go back to my essential apathy about the America's Cup, since I'd much rather be, actually, sailing....