New Wrigley's Extra White Bubblemint

By Grocerygems @grocerygems

Bubblemint? Bubblemint? Oh yes, you read that right. Wrigley's have come up with quite the flavor combination here; classic bubblegum and fresh mint. It's a new one to me, and as someone who loves the flavor of Wrigley's Juicy Fruit gum but values her teeth too much to chew it, I was eager to give this gum a try. Wrigley's Extra is known as being a sugar free gum and that doesn't change here with this Bubblemint flavor.

But what would a hybrid of fruity bubblegum and mint actually taste like? At first there is a burst of traditional bubblegum Juicy Fruit type flavour, so far so good, but then it's followed by a quick burst of refreshing mint. Just as my taste buds were getting used to the strange combination, the mint flavor subsided and only the fruity bubblegum flavor was left. The result is very successful - a classic bubblegum but with a fresher edge to it. It's just a shame that they are not bright pink in color like a real bubblegum!
Grocery Gems: Wrigley's Extra White Bubblemint
RATING: 8 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Yes.
Nutrition: Contains aspartame.
Purchased: Boots
Price: £0.55p.