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This new video from Mr Little Jeans, the nomenclature chosen by Norwegian singer Monica Birkenes, show prettiness getting into places where it shouldn’t be. In “Good Mistake,” Birkenes’ lovely voice is almost trampled by a mechanical, rickety synth line that sounds like a runaway truck with wheels ready to burst off. The video syncs up with this metaphor by showing Birkenes twirling around in a partially lit trucker station that appears to have no interest in installing more light–letting the darkness swallow some of the more unsavory decisions being made around the corner, or the ugly actions taking place in and around the facility.
Birkenes, dressed in a white sweater and trapped in a telephone box that emits the only form of light in the song and video, provides a beautiful contrast to a song that could have taken a dark turn. The result is the type of meaningful pop song that’s truly beautiful. Watch the video above, and let Birkenes be your guide through the dark.