New Video! How to Make Silhouette Pillows

By Barbarayesspaces @Barbara_Miller

Today for 22 Days of Gratitude I am SO grateful to have a new YES Spaces DIY video up! We have now filmed 8 new videos and will be back to posting once a week – Hooray!

Silhouettes are everywhere right now and I love them. I thought it would be fun to make Thanksgiving silhouette pillows of Pilgrim children. I love the idea of using one side for Thanksgiving and possibly painting Christmas silhouettes on the other side – just flip them over the day after Thanksgiving!

These were very easy to make take a look!

What you need:

Two plain ready made pillows with a light color of your choosing

Black fabric paint or black acrylic paint mixed with fabric medium

A small detail paint brush

A larger paint brush (less than 1″) for filling in the larger spaces

A pencil

A black permanent marker

An image of the silhouette you want to paint onto your pillow – blown up to the correct side

Transfer paper to copy the image onto the pillow

First, I drew the silhouette onto the pillow with a pencil. I did this free hand but the video explains how to do this with an image and transfer paper. I outlined the image with a black permanent marker and slightly shaded in the areas I wanted to paint black so I didn’t accidentally paint one of the details I wanted to leave light!

Then I started to paint. I just filled in the spaces with black paint. The beauty of silhouettes is no shading to color mixing – it’s so simple!

I am SO grateful we have a bunch of new projects filmed and lined up for you!

I am grateful for Trevor who edits and produces these videos…I hate to think what they would look like without him.

I am grateful for my fun new pillows, I hate the idea of skipping right over Thanksgiving to Christmas, it’s nice to have something fun for the Holiday.

Happy painting!

 xo Barbara