New Torpado Nearco S - 650b

Posted on the 25 July 2013 by Worldxcmtb @worldxcmtb

(google translate)Presented the 2014 range of Italian brand Torpado which in recent years has been focusing a lot on the Mountain Bike industry thanks to the advice of the strong biker Yader Zoli. The bike that has certainly done a lot about whether it is the Nearchus, frame created specifically for the new format 27.5 and this year has been revised in some of the parts with a small lightening and some updates in the geometry.
The weight of the raw frame in size M is given to 960gr, a weight really very interesting (final weight of the frame will be around on actually kg). The down tube has been increased in size and were optimized chainstays, obtaining a greater stiffness of the bottom bracket shell and that has also permitted the removal of the bow on the chainstay obliques. Brake, front and rear derailleurs will be incorporated into a single point of entry, present on the left side of the head tube and will be fully integrated in the frame with the exit point underneath the bottom bracket.
A bike really interesting for those who want to take full advantage of the format 27.5.
