NEW: Sullee J (@sullej85) – Freedom of Speech (September 11)

Posted on the 11 September 2011 by Sistabig @therealSharnell

Sullee J releases his latest single “Freedom of Speech” off his upcoming Mixtape “John Nash: A Beautiful Mind”

“I don’t really got nothing against the people, just the ones that run the system through evil” – Freedom of Speech

This song really captures Sullee J’s emotion, and his consistency of spreading an inspiring message. He puts a lot of heart in all of his music, this song especially, because it is more of a clarification than it is just another track you listen to. It’s intended to attract anybody and everybody who want’s to be aware and already is aware of how things are being run. If you heard any of Sullee’s music previously, you already know when you click play, you won’t regret it!

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