New Sponsor Welcome — Vintage Designs (invitations)

By Claire
vintage wedding invitations from Vintage Designs UK (1)

Credit: Vin­tage Designs

Vin­tage wed­ding invi­ta­tions in the UK

My favorite invi­ta­tion from Vin­tage Designs is the ‘Two peas’ invite — for the con­cept and the illus­tra­tion. But Andrew’s Eng­lish Wed­ding Show­case Page proves he can turn his hand to vin­tage inspired designs from any era, with every illus­tra­tion so car­ingly crafted and beau­ti­fully made.

vintage wedding invitations from Vintage Designs UK (2)

Credit: Vin­tage Designs

Andrew told me,  “Vin­tage Designs is founded on the prin­ci­ple of time hon­oured, tra­di­tional design — I love the detail, small ele­ments that can go unno­ticed at first, but grad­u­ally reveal them­selves to you.

I want to excite and inspire the wed­ding cou­ple, to pro­vide some­thing that not only makes them feel spe­cial to use as an invite, but also makes their recip­i­ent feel spe­cial to receive such an item.”

vintage wedding invitations from Vintage Designs UK (3)

Credit: Vin­tage Designs

More vin­tage wed­ding invi­ta­tion ideas

Do pop over to the Eng­lish Wed­ding Show­case for a peek at some more of Vin­tage Designs’ fab­u­lous wed­ding invi­ta­tion ideas. I’ve only showed my very top favourites on this page, but I love them all.