New Sponsor Welcome! Tierney Photography

By Claire

Con­tem­po­rary wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy in Sheffield

I’m now delighted to wel­come Mark and Tier­ney Pho­tog­ra­phy as a spon­sor of Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog.

Mark Tier­ney is a con­tem­po­rary wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher who aims to cap­ture the excite­ment and emo­tion of a couple’s wed­ding day. His style is a blend of nat­ural reportage wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy and relaxed fam­ily pho­tographs, com­bined with cap­tur­ing cre­ative moments with the bride and groom.

Nat­ural reportage wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy by Tier­ney Pho­tog­ra­phy on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog

Please take five min­utes to read more about Tier­ney Pho­tog­ra­phy on the brand new Tier­ney Pho­tog­ra­phy page of Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog. Every one of my spon­sors has their own ded­i­cated page about their busi­ness — and each spon­sor is cho­sen because I love what they do and how they work.

See real wed­dings by Tier­ney Pho­tog­ra­phy here:

  • Con­tem­po­rary but clas­sic: wed­ding at Peck­for­ton Castle
  • A Peck­for­ton Cas­tle wed­ding venue review with photos
  • A York­shire wed­ding: Oul­ton Hall
  • A vin­tage coun­try wed­ding by Tier­ney Photography