New Sponsor Welcome! Surrey Wedding Photographer Karen Flower

By Claire

You loved it too, and wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Karen Flower was a big hit! When Karen emailed me a week or two later to say she’d already had enquiries because of the Botley’s Man­sion wed­ding fea­ture I was delighted — and I’m even more pleased today because Karen has joined the Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog team of sponsors.

You can read all about Karen on her ded­i­cated page on the Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog: Sur­rey wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Karen Flower, and there are some divine images on the page to show you a kind of cross sec­tion of her pho­tog­ra­phy style. (She’s cho­sen gor­geous pho­tos — beau­ti­ful light­ing, love, laugh­ter and happy tears — do have a look!)

Your Sur­rey wed­ding photography

Karen says, “Your wed­ding day is about you and spend­ing time with your fam­ily and friends. I will cap­ture the joy, laugh­ter and emo­tion that sur­faces at so many dif­fer­ent times dur­ing the day so that when you look back on your images you will remem­ber not only what hap­pened but also how you felt at that time. How­ever you choose to cel­e­brate this incred­i­ble day, your pho­tographs will be an hon­est story of you, your love and your won­der­ful wed­ding.

Find out more, and sub­scribe today to see plenty more from Karen Flower Pho­tog­ra­phy on the Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog — I’m look­ing for­ward to shar­ing lots of her gor­geous wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy and we’ll let you know when Karen has news and updates to share with you too!

Claire x

If you’re a wed­ding sup­plier you can find out all about spon­sor­ship of the Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog by click­ing the adver­tise link in the nav­i­ga­tion menu or here: adver­tise on the Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog