New Sponsor Welcome… It’s Miss Delicious

By Claire

Bunny Deli­cious is one of the UK’s top wed­ding sta­tionery com­pa­nies, appear­ing reg­u­larly in top wed­ding mag­a­zines and lead­ing the way with a dis­tinc­tive and unique artis­tic style. Wed­ding invi­ta­tions from Bunny Deli­cious are instantly recog­nis­able, Zoe’s guest books and photo albums are inspired and excit­ing, and Zoe her­self is just brilliant.

An out­spo­ken, cre­ative and gen­uine lady, Zoe Rusga is one wed­ding sta­tionery designer you have to find out more about. I’m very pleased to have Bunny Deli­cious as my newest spon­sor on the Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog. Find out more and see some of my favorite con­tem­po­rary wed­ding invites and acces­sories on the new Bunny Deli­cious Show­case Page.

Zoe — I’m very happy to wel­come you to Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog.

Claire xxx