New Shoes for the Money Man

By Lwblog @londonwalks

Thanks to everyone who read our blog and joined us on a London Walk today.

The full programme for tomorrow can be found at

Just before we swap our walking boots for our slippers, here’s one final thought… Now This We Did Not Know…
We're always keen to talk about shoes here at The Daily Constitutional. We London Walks guides consider ourselves to be experts in all matters shoe-related.
But this shoe news was new to us: tradition has it that the Canadian Finance Minister delivers his budget in a new pair of shoes. 
Okay so our Canadian Daily Constitutionalists at this point are going "duh!" but we rather liked it. We're always keen to find out that other country's parliaments are just as daft as our own.
But we did get to wonder… why? Where does the tradition come from? If any of our Canadian pals can shed light on the subject, then please leave a comment below or drop us a line at the usual address. (Or if you just want to send us satirical remarks about politicians in general, then that's also fine by us.)

A London Walk costs £9 – £7 concession. To join a London Walk, simply meet your guide at the designated tube station at the appointed time. Details of all London Walks can be found at