New SEO & Digital Marketing Podcast

Posted on the 17 February 2016 by Andykinsey @andykinsey

As part of SEO Andy we are always striving to deliver the best content we can in a way that you want to consume it. For a while we’ve been asked about videos and podcasts.

This week we launched a new industry specific SEO website and a SEO Podcast to go with it.

The new website is – Photography SEO targeted at the photography industry and helping those companies to achieve more from their website. However, the majority of content is suitable for most types of website in any niche or industry.

The SEO for Photographers Podcast, available on iTunes and via the website, has also launched this week. The seo podcast will focus on everything from the very basics of SEO and Marketing to the more advanced work some sites may require – it will also be answering questions from listeners and readers. The podcast, like the seo guides on the website, is suitable for everyone in the SEOAndy audience – oh and it’s hosted by myself.

If you’ve got any questions about SEO or any aspect of digital marketing please feel free to email them to hello*at*