New Seedlings Planted and Potted-on

By Scarecrow
Update: Week 4 of January 2012:
There seems to be plenty of pollen around the Trombones
if this bee is anything to go by!!
Weather highlights:
Lowest Min 11.9C
Highest Max 35C
3.5 mm Rain
Cauliflower Mini Brassica oleracea Diggers
Cauliflower Violet Sicilian Brassica oleracea Botrytis Group Green Harvest
Cabbage Ethiopian Brassica abyssinicum Seed Savers Network
Cabbage Red Choi Brassica rapa var. chinensis Green Harvest
Cabbage Tokyo Bekana Brassica rapa var. chinensis Green Harvest
Kale Red Bor F1 Brassica oleracea var acephala Diggers
Broccoli Royal Dome Brassica oleracea Italica Group Grower's Pride
Mizuna Purple Brassica rapa Japonica Group Southern Harvest Seeds
Cima Di Rapa Brassica rapa The Italian Gardener
Silverbeet Rainbow MixedBeta vulgaris4 Seasons Seeds
Planting out:
Silverbeet Rainbow Mixed from seeds sown 27 Nov 2011
Celery Tendercrisp from seeds sown 27 Nov 2011
Beetroot Heirloom Mix purchased seedlings
All were planted into Bed 11 in the Kitchen Garden
Next Week To Do:
Sow Pea seeds in loo rolls late on the 4th Feb for planting out soon after germination
Sow Dwarf Beans seeds and plant the lone surviving Zucchini seedling in Bed 13 in the Kitchen Garden late on the 4th Feb as we will be busy on the other fruit planting days.
Pot on Brassicas sown earlier this week.
Remove old Cucumbers and tidy gourd plants in Bed 8 in the Main Veg Garden
Weekly Harvest:
Beetroot Bulls Blood 68g
Capsicum California Wonder 328g
Capsicum Hungarian Yellow 333g
Celery American Stringless 706g
Cucumber Bushy 135g
Onion Red 240g
Tomato Big Rainbow 112g
Tomato Black Cherry 49g
Tomato Ida Gold 62g
Tomato Money Maker 611g
Tomato Pineapple 537g
Tomato Stor Gul 581g
Apple Cox's Orange Pippin 675g
Cossack Pineapple 387g
Chooks: 30 eggs
0 from the lone Barnevelder who is molting
14 from the 5 Farmyard Ferals
13 from the 4 Faverolles
I have removed the tomatoes from bed 3 as all were infested with tomato russet mite. I have other bushes producing well in other parts of the garden so these were not worth trying to save. The Basil has been given some TLC in the hope of a useful harvest.
Newly planted seedlings in Bed 11
have been watered lightly 3 or 4 times a day.
Even with the cooler temperatures this week
humidity levels are very low
and new seedlings can dry out quickly
until their roots reach the damp soil in the Wicking Beds.
Newly potted on Brassica seedlings need protection from pests!
Exclusion is the safest way!
I have been unable to purchase any Potato Tubers at this time of the year so I have saved a few of the Bismarks that have started to sprout. Bed 5 in the Main Vegetable Garden has been rough hoed and kept watered. I have added some Neutrog Rapid Raiser Organic fertiliser and blood and bone, I will add worm castings (with worms) when the tubers are planted out later this month.