New Season= Time for New Self-care Goals

By Thesamanthashow

There are a lot of things I love to do during fall. You know, your “basic” and “cliche” things; take my kids to pumpkin patches, throw on my Ugg boots, drink my Starbucks (no Pumpkin Spice for me tho… Chai Tea Lattes all the way), burn all the cinnamon candles I can get my hands on, etc, etc.

But over the past few months, I’ve neglected myself in so many ways. The stress of the move, solo parenting, and just adjusting to a new norm in general. So over the next few months, I have a few self-care goals I want to accomplish.

Monthly massages. I have a terrible back. I carry my tension in my neck, shoulders, and upper back and it comes to a point where I’m in physical pain just sitting up. No bueno. I used to get monthly massages in Georgia and it made SUCH a difference. I had a massage yesterday and I’m going again in two weeks. And then after that, I’m going to try to go once a month.

Taking time for skincare. My face has gotten SO bad. The stress has caused acne. My anxiety has caused me to pick it. And I hate how self-conscious it makes me. I have so many products but sometimes, I get lazy and don’t go through all of my skincare steps. But I’m really going to make sure to carve out that 5-10 minutes and take care of my face. I can’t undo the damage once it’s done so it’s time to take better care of it.

Hit the gym. Getting back into a workout routine sucks. I was in such a grove before we moved from D.C. and I have totally fallen off the wagon. I joined the gym in July and I think I’ve been a handful of times. But if I go as much as I can, without putting too much pressure on myself, I think I will feel so much better. Not only physically but mentally too.

Get more sleep. I have a habit of getting sucked into social media and getting distracted from things I really need to be doing. Which in turn, causes me to be more stressed, stay up later, and not get a good night’s of sleep. I know they say you should put your phone away an hour before bed but that’s when I get most of my work done. But I do want to try to be in bed by 10 p.m. every night. I was on a good schedule for awhile but then, life. SO working on getting back to that!

Declutter. If my husband is reading this, he’s probably laughing out loud. Because I am the queen of access stuff. I love clothes, shoes, makeup, stationary, etc. But I do not need it all. It’s gotten out of control. So I really want to take the time to go through my things and downsize, declutter, and simplify. If you have any tips/blog posts/articles, leave them below please!

Eat better. I don’t eat badly but sometimes, I go down a spiral. I used to be so good at meal prepping and watching what I was eating and with everything going on, I’ve kind of thrown that all out the window. Time to get serious, people!

Let’s start with those and see how it goes! I can’t seem to find enough hours in the day and I’m sick of feeling like I’m always playing catchup. So maybe if I get into a routine and take better care of myself, everything else will fall into place too.

Who else is working towards goals? Let me know what you’re doing! XO