New SDK Supporting Google Advertising ID

Posted on the 13 August 2014 by Smartadblog @SmartAdServerEN

Google Advertising ID compulsory for Android apps since August

Last year Apple introduced IDFA, a dedicated user ID, which maximises user privacy protection while allowing advertisers to display targeted ads.

Since August 2014, Google requires an advertiser ID that has to be used by developers who wish to submit Android applications in Google Play Store. Google developer site mentions that “It gives users better controls and provides developers with a simple, standard system to continue to monetize your apps. It is an anonymous identifier for advertising purposes and enables users to reset their identifier or opt out of interest-based ads within Google Play apps.”

A New Smart AdServer SDK supporting Google Advertising ID

A top priority for our mobile team is to ensure that our SDKs are fully compliant with OS manufacturer regulations. We have released Smart AdServer Android SDK 4.2.1 which supports the new Google Advertising ID. Publishers need to upgrade their apps with this new SDK to be able to re-submit them in Google Play.

To help you get a clear picture of iOS and Android advertisers ID specifications, you can find below a summary :

What does Smart AdServer think about user privacy in the digital ecosystem ?

At Smart AdServer, we believe that the protection of user privacy is a necessity to build a digital advertising ecosystem that can be trusted and accepted by users.

On Web, we have been strongly involved in the implementation of IAB OBA framework which promotes self-regulation for online behavioral advertising. An objective of the IAB Europe OBA Framework is to secure the future of Online Behavioural Advertising by ensuring that internet users can understand and control the OBA choices they make online.

On mobile, we are part of the user privacy working group at the Mobile Marketing Association that proposes a code of ethics for mobile marketing in France.
