New Recipe and New Feature for a New Year

By Dreenaburton @dreenaburton
2011!  Wow, right?  I'm still trying to ease into the routines of back-to-school and activities, and get my head around saying 2011!  But, it is a new year, and with all new things comes an opportunity for change.  I don't mean resolutions.  They are usually gimmicky and inherently give us 'an out'.  Instead, going into the new year, maybe we can instead reflect on how we have been living this past year or five or ten years, and ask whether we want to keep doing the same? 
With that thought, this year I have decided to introduce the concept of guest posts to my blog.  I've been writing this blog for over five years, so why bring guest posts into the mix now?  Well, I think it is of value to read and learn from other people's experience.  I have been vegan for a very long time now, so part of me is "removed" from that initial transitory phase of moving from eating animal flesh and dairy to eating vegan.  Sure I remember it, but the 'immediacy' of the impact isn't there.  Like how your body physically feels lighter and freer without the digestive burden of meat and dairy... how your energy level shifts, and you feel more vibrant and excited to join each day.
Many of you also already know my personal story of becoming vegan.  If not, I will be happy to write my own post to detail my journey.  Let me know.  But, there are other stories out there.  Some very remarkable, with people experiencing major lifestyle and health improvements.  And others that are more 'everyday', but still very important because they brought more enjoyment and vibrant health to that person's life.
I became vegan for health reasons, and I think there are a lot of others that will only make that change for their own health.  Unfortunately, the cruelties of animal agriculture do not make an impact on everyone.  Maybe they don't believe those atrocities are really part of their food choices.  But, I think it's more about our conditioning.  We are conditioned to eat a certain way from a young age.  It's uncomfortable to step outside of that box of familiarity, of what we believe we "need" to eat, and what we have enjoyed eating - and what we think our family will accept.
I have heard from so many people that have made the switch to veganism because their health said so.  Plain and simple.  They needed to make significant dietary changes - or they would fall prey to heart disease, diabetes, being overweight, and more.   These stories always inspire me, and I know if I shared some of them, they would inspire many of you as well.
Last year I introduced quotes from sources like The China Study, Eating Animals, and PCRM.  My hope was that you would be inspired to investigate and read these books.  (If there is one book you could read for change in the new year, The China Study is it).  I cannot explain how important this book is, please read it, for your own good health.)   This year, I hope to provide support and information from the experiences of others through guest posts. 

Moroccan Bean Stew

So, I will return with a guest post very soon, and will detail more at that time about guest post submissions.  For now, I start you off in the new year with a new, very healthy and delicious recipe.  It is for my next book, but I think we all need a kick-in-the-pants kind of recipe to get going.  I featured this Moroccan Bean Stew a while back, now it's yours to cook up and enjoy!
One final thing - a request for input from you.  I am going to enter a gluten-free recipe contest.  I am thinking of entering my Frosted B-raw-nies... what do you think, this one of a different recipe?  My gf followers, please chime in! (and thanks in advance for helping) :)  Back soon!