New Re-Root: Little Miss No Name

By Ashley Brooke, Kewpie83 @KewpieDoll83

I didn’t do much re-rooting these past few months.  It wasn’t so much from lack of supplies, but from lack of time!  I personally prefer to have an entire day free for a re-root, which with the holidays and hecticness that is January, I didn’t get many of those!

Why do I like an entire day?  Well, I don’t have a doll room or office I can re-root in.  If I did, I could easily just put my tools down and not have to worry about moving/storing the half done doll head.  Since I don’t have any sort of room like that, I alway worry about the hair accidentally getting pulled out as I move the doll here to there  (b/c the tool holds doll hair in with tension, not knots, until it’s glued in).

We picked this Little Miss No Name up a while back at the Kane County Doll and Toy Show.  While her body and face were in great shape, her hair was a mess! The prized ‘tear’ that is usually lost to vacuum cleaners or couch cushions was included.  My mom isn’t quite sure if this is the real tear or not.  There are many imitation tears out there, believe it or not!  But this tear looks much better than some I have seen on Little Miss No Name, so even if it isn’t 100% real (which it still could be!), I think it looks great on her!

Before Her Re-Root

Before Her Re-Root

My mom requested a color that was similar to the pale blonde Little Miss No Name was manufactured with, yet different.  We settled on Nylon Butterscotch from Dollyhair.  Little Miss No Name took a total of four large Barbie hanks.  And in line with my other re-roots, required two orders of hair!  (One day, I’ll figure out how to order enough hair the first time!)

Almost There!

Almost There!

Here’s Little Miss No Name after the re-rooting was done and before the final come out and styling.

After the Re-Root

After the Re-Root

After the Re-Root, Close Up

After the Re-Root- Medium

I really love how Little Miss No Name turned out!  The hair color works really well with her skin tone and lightens up her face a bit.  (We’ll be seeing more dolls with this, as I over ordered the color by 2 whole hanks!) The outfit was originally created for the BFC dolls, but fits Little Miss No Name very well!

Feel free to leave comments below!  I’d love to hear what you think of Little Miss No Name or this newest re-root!