There's still plenty of room in the Republican clown car right now. It currently only has three passengers -- Cruz, Paul, and Rubio. But I don't expect it will stay that way for very long. In the next few weeks, I think several more will find their place in that car -- because they will be afraid of these three racking up too much support and money, and they'll want their share.
Public Policy Polling has done new surveys of presidential preferences in North Carolina and New Hampshire, and I present those results in the charts below. The North Carolina survey was done between April 2nd and 5th of 351 GOP voters (with a 5.2 point margin of error) and 370 Democratic voters (with a 5.1 point margin of error). The New Hampshire survey was done between April 9th and 13th of 358 Republican voters (with a 5.2 point margin of error) and 329 Democratic voters (with a 5.4 point margin of error).