New President and Congress Show For Whom They're Actually Working, Already

Posted on the 04 February 2017 by Morage @kebmebms

Check out what the Republicans in Congress have done and are doing for the already-wealthy and corporations--and against the people, ultimately, against the nation and the nation’s best interests since they took over the White House and got back in Congress only two weeks ago.
--Scrapping Dodd-Frank so the big banks can be yet more unregulated and take us ever-closer to one more economic, national and possibly, if not likely, international melt-down
--Scrapping rules against coal companies dumping coal ash into streams
--Scrapping required background checks for the officially mentally unstable
--Scrapping rules that require financial advisers to act on their clients best interests. Those clients would be you and me.
--Scrapping methane rules so corporations can pour yet more methane into our atmosphere
Don't believe it? See for yourself.

Trump Team Promises To 'Dismantle' 

Dodd-Frank Bank Regulations

Trump Moves to Roll Back Obama-Era 

Financial Regulations

'banking caucus' ready to rip apart 


Congress just killed a rule restricting coal companies from dumping waste in streams

GOP rolls back gun control rule that limits sales to mentally disabled people

Trump Takes Aim At Dodd-Frank, Investor Protections Rule In Executive Action

Congress ready to roll back federal methane flaring rule And then this sort of Republican President, Trump, wants to further erode the separation of church and state by letting churches be political. Ironically, he said it at the National Prayer Breakfast a few days ago.
Trump vows to 'totally destroy' restrictions on churches' support of candidates
Want to see a real beauty? Want to see who this new President Trump and his Republican colleagues are really working for? There's nothing any more telling than this little exchange that took place this week, just a few days ago.

Donald Trump breaks Medicare promise after meeting with Big Pharma lobbyists

During the campaign for the office he now holds, Mr. Trump said we Americans pay too high prices for drugs and pharmaceuticals in the nation. Like he had to tell us, right? Now? Now that he's President and in the White House and has the power to do anything?  Yeah, well, never mind...
Mind you, this is only the first two weeks, ladies and gentlemen. Who can even imagine what they have in store for us even this month, this year, let alone the next four or six years, depending on the length of their respective terms in office?