New Poster for "Captain America: Winter Soldier" is a Massive Photoshop Screw-Up

Posted on the 01 February 2014 by Nrjperera @nrjperera

Yesterday, a new poster was released for the upcoming highly anticipated sequel, Marvel's "Captain America: The Winter Soldier", and I've been creeped-out since the time I saw it. 
You don't need to look too hard to see what's wrong with this poster. Yeah, that's right, I'm talking about that Scarlett Johansson photoshop fail. Sure, all movie posters go through a deep Photoshop make-over, which involves all the characters as well. But in this particular poster, the guy who did the PS enhancement seems to have gone way too far to slim-down Scarlett Johansson's figure. What's up with that?
First of all, Scarlett Johansson is one of the sexiest, hottest women in the show biz. There's no need to alter the shape of her body or PS-enhance her face. She's just perfect. I could seriously kick the guy who did this. 
Take a closer look at the Black Widow character poster, you'll know what I mean.

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