The chart above reflects the latest results from the University of New Hampshire / CNN Poll -- done between July 8th and 15th of 386 likely voters in the New Hampshire Democratic primary, with a 5 point margin of error. The blue bars show the current support for each of the leading Democrats. The green bars show the support they had in April.
New Hampshire is a critical state for Bernie Sanders. He won over 60% of the primary vote there in 2016, showing Democrats he was a serious candidate. That victory propelled him to other state wins, even though he came up short in the end (losing to Hillary Clinton).
But 2018 is a different story. There are many more candidates running, including another true progressive -- Elizabeth Warren. It is starting to look like Sanders may not win again in New Hampshire, and may even finish third or fourth in that state.
Note that in April, Sanders had about 30% support from New Hampshire Democrats. By July, that support had fallen to 19% -- a drop of 11 points.
Three other candidates also saw their fortunes drop in New Hampshire -- Buttigieg (by 5 points), Booker (by 1 point), and O'Rourke (by 1 point).
The other three leading candidates have gained support since April -- Biden (gained 6 points), Warren (gained 14 points), and Harris (gained 5 points).