New Policy: All Conservatives Will Be Banned on Sight

Posted on the 25 January 2017 by Calvinthedog

Whereas before I used to allow conservatives to post here if they kept their traps shut, and I am now getting rid of that policy. If I even suspect that you support the US Republican Party or Donald Trump, you will be banned immediately, no questions asked. So this is going to turn into quite a partisan blog. Not that I think much of the Democratic Party. Of course I don’t think much of them.

  • No supporting the Republican Party.
  • No supporting any individual Republicans ever for any reason.*
  • No supporting Donald Trump in any way, shape or form.*
  • No supporting the general thrust of US conservative movement.*

Now I will make some amendments to these rules. If Trump ever does anything that is supported by the ideology of this blog, you are free to praise him for doing that.

  • You may praise his anti-free trade actions, since we are anti-free trade here. For instance, you may support his getting rid of the odious TPP trade deal. That’s about the only good thing he’s done so far from the POV of this site.
  • You may also support his actions on illegal immigration because this site is anti-illegal immigration. Some other things I am more agnostic on such the immigration ban from certain Muslim countries.
  • You may bash away at Islam as long as you keep it reasonable.
  • The rule above does not really apply to US foreign policy unless you support attacking socialist or Communist countries like Cuba or Venezuela. Anything other than that, just say whatever you want.
  • These rules in general do not apply to most reasonable social conservatism, but you start getting all the way over to Republican Party social conservatism, you are walking on thin ice. If you are to the right of the more egregious aspects of the Cultural Left and the insane SJW’s, bash away. This site is extremely anti-Cultural Left and anti-SJW. You may also bash any and all Identity Politics such as gender feminism, modern anti-racism, gay politics, tranny politics, BLM, La Raza, etc. because we are very much opposed to Identity Politics here.

So it looks like you can support his immigration and anti-free trade proposals. I can’t think of any other decent thing they are going to do in the next four years.

If you have any questions about whether you may support something Trump does, simply ask in the Comments Section. Just post a comment that says, “Can I support Trump’s ban on immigrants from some Muslim countries or fill in the black issue.” Nobody will be banned for asking such questions.

Other than that, just carry on the way you have been and don’t worry too much. I cannot see how any recent commenters will be banned under this new rule, so don’t let this make you shy. We are always very reasonable about our bans here, and often it has to be a dual decision with Alpha and me. And she often vetoes my requests to ban someone. But that’s a great thing because Alpha is the pro-freeze peach voice on the blog, and I am a bit censorious, so it all evens out. Obnoxious commenters in general cannot be banned by Alpha or me however much we would like to. Annoying pest commenters are the responsibility of the commenters to decide whether to ban or not. Simply take votes on whether to ban or not. We keep track of the votes and will throw off anyone the commenters want gone.

Most of all, don’t worry about it!