New Personal Style, Mood-board & Look-book Which i Keep In...

By Lauramoodley

New personal style, mood-board & look-book which i keep in my closet for inspiration. 

Having recently cleared out my closet to allow myself to actually see what clothes I have, I have been trying to find ways to get dressed quickly and to inspire myself. I have always kept a moodboard in my closet but it dreadfully needed updating to my current style, as ive grown older, my dress sense has changed. Although some things have remained as part of my personality.

I had a major clear out back in December where i removed all items of clothing that I never wear, that dont fit or suit me any more or even worse, items i was keeping for a fantasy life that I dont actually lead. I managed to reduce my wordrobe by around 70%. But dont be fooled, i still have a lot of clothes, only now, its stuff i will actually get use out of. I can now see what i have and know whats missing, there for know what to look out for when im out shopping. 

To help with this I keep a look-book with images of clothes and accessories that I actually have side by side with items ive seen when browsing online or out shopping. This allows me to put together new outfits and lets me know whats missing from my paired down closet.
I note the items which interest me, where i saw it & the price so that I can budget for shopping. 

Another thing ive done, is to stand back and examin my closet, looking at the colours of the items ive kept, the cut and styles. Ive considered my actual lifestyle and have compiled a checklist that I now keep in my purse and consult before making any purchases. If the item does not fit within the guidelines, its a NO GO and goes back on the rack.

I will later add photos to the look-book of outfits i have/will wear  which i felt really worked well, for those days when im pulling my hair out, not knowing what to wear, esp for 7am shifts at work or last minute invitations to go out. xoxo LLM

For original Mood-board: