Winter is just ridiculous here. Boston is buried.
This is my house...
My kids have had more snow and vacation days this past month than school days.
I'm a cranky shell of a human and snow is a four letter word.
And I have developed an unhealthy relationship with memes from texting with snowbound friends,
a territory I NEVER thought I'd enter..
I've officially cracked and I now find myself cackling at pictures of giant snow penises.
Wait. I always did that.
OK, so nothing new...
One of the things I've been doing to pass the time this winter
-besides over eating and drinking-
has been designing some new stuff on Spoonflower.
Dragons, splats and pirate skulls with a paisley tossed in.
I usually start by designing for myself- in this case the boy's bath-
and then it grows into several color ways. You to can be a snow bound fabric designer,
so get busy and get on it!
I wound up using the Splat in Indigo for the boy's shower curtain...
as you can see the "Bleeding Sharpie Fail" is still on the walls.
I still am trying to decide on the wall pattern.
Most of you know decision making for myself is not my strong suit,
so stay tuned for like ever....
I'm stuck on these two:
Paint is no problem, I can change it quick. It's like decorating speed dating.
Wallpaper and I though, ugh. It's a commitment thing. I have to really really like it, and basically want to marry it- for a good long while.
I also design this one, the Aztec Trellis in Valentine, for my living room ottoman:
Living room is getting some updating love slowly...
like super slowly.
Go ahead and blink.You won't miss anything.
Up next are these chairs.
They need some reupholstering, and I'm on the "citron or aqua" velvet fence.
Bases are getting gilded. But at this rate it will be summer, but who knows.
Give me another snow storm and I just might get crazy enough to do it.