New Paper Mache Dragon

By Danmonsterman @danmonsterman
Hello everyone.   I know it's been a very long time since I posted anything.   I just needed some time to do art.  Just art.   I made a couple of dragons, and almost finished my dog.   I am revising my dragon-making book.  It is antiquated.   I wanted better photos and better commentary.   I'm also adding a section on dragon trophies.   Here is the dragon that will be featured in the book. 
New Paper Mache Dragon
So there won't be any video on this one.   I'm reserving this dragon for the pages of the book.  But I thought you might want to see it.    I will however post a video of the new trophy I made for the book as soon as it's finished.    And I will start a series of posts about the dog soon.
But this weekend I'm off to Texas again to participate in the State Visual Art Scholastic Event.   This event honors the top high school art students in the state.    I'll be giving them a talk on paper mache and doing a workshop.   I'm really honored to work with such talented students.
Hope you are all doing art.