New Pampers Premium Care Diapers – Now in India!

By Shwetashetye

When I attended WIN15 event by Blogadda, the main attraction was the pampers event! I mean who wouldn't want to know all about diapers - we live them every minute through our babies. Pampers brings the #SoftestForBabySkin premium diapers in India - finally!

Selected few mommy bloggers and other parenting/lifestyle bloggers were invited by Pampers to this exclusive event. TO begin with the the actual event, it was a great set up and the most cutest babies spread all over the stage.

The event began with the beautiful Mandira Bedi, Tara Sharma, and the Pampers representative guiding us through the whole process of why Pampers premium care diapers are truly premium. It was not just all talk and no proof, we actually saw what goes into the diapers and what makes them premium. It was a total hands on demo! Here is a review of the actual product and why you should invest in it.

Pampers Premium Care diapers

Lets understand why you should buy them -

Keep your baby's skin dry

When we select a diaper, the only motive is to prevent diaper rash. How does a diaper achieve that? Through better water absorption quality. These diapers have phenomenal 12 hrs of keep dry system. 12 hrs! Imagine the good night sleep with these!

Wetness Indicator

For the starting few sizes, these premium diapers come with wetness indicators. I still remember the times when my daughter was a newborn and I as a new mom used to constantly wonder about when to change the diaper. With this awesome indicator, new moms can breathe easy and ensure that their baby's tush is protected always.

Thin and softest ever breathable cover

At the event we had a fun blind test of a couple of diapers to gauge which was the softest. Guess who won? Hands-down Pamper Premium care. These diapers are so soft that believe me or not I have rubbed them too many times on my face just to feel them.

Lotion protected cover

So diaper rash is a killer, a buzz kill. But, Pampers truly knows what irritates moms. They have added a unique layer of lotion on the inner layer to ensure that the babies skin remains moisturized even for whatever little time it is exposed to the wetness.

If you are a mom and I am one so in no way am I selling these to you, but if you truly want to keep your newborn's tush safe, give it a try. These are a bit on the expensive side, but with newborns, why take the risk of a rash!

Here a a few glimpses of the event that was!

You can find Pampers Premium Care at a store near you, and be sure to follow BlogAdda and on Twitter to get the latest. If you want to know stories about other moms who had the same experience as me, follow the #SoftestForBabySkin tag on twitter now!