New Packaging and Accessory

By Dchew78 @peonyts

Storage and packaging of perishable goods is more than mere aesthetics, particularly for tea leaves which can be both perishable and fragile, 2 of the main concerns of transportation. This is further accentuated by the fact that at point of writing at least, the bulk of our sales are conducted online and shipment is required.

Hence we are constantly looking at how we can do better to ensure that our teas are stored better and they can reach you in the original state that we intended.

Kraft Caddy

For the new 2013 spring teas, teas that are especially brittle will be stored in these kraft caddies. Made of strengthened cardboard, these caddies can withstand normal wear and tear that could be sustained during transit.

(Naturally if Shaquille O’Neal stomps on it, we make no guarantee but unless he has a bone to pick with the postal service, it won’t happen.)

Within the caddies, the tea leaves will be sealed in a non-permeable packaging and packed with oxygen absorbers (except for dark teas which require oxygen to age) and desiccants (for green tea). This will preserve your tea in an optimal state.

Kraft Packaging

For most teas, in order to keep the cost low, we will package them into these brown kraft PET bags and packed with oxygen absorbers and desiccants (see above) to preserve the tea in its best stage.

We replaced the re-sealable stand-up pouches with this kraft bags for 2 main reasons:

i)   The PET bags are in a somewhat conical shape, making it hard to pack tightly. This results in storage inefficiencies as well as unnecessary space when packed in a mailing box.

ii)   There is a tendency not to reseal tightly. After repeated use, it becomes harder to seal completely with the ziplock, as with all such bags.

New Clip

Both the caddy and the kraft bag though doesn’t solve the problem of re-sealing the tea though.

We found this innovative clip in China. With no movable parts, it is more durable.

Also it provides an airtight seal, is relatively inexpensive and doesn’t take up much space.

It is also very simplistic and intuitive to use.

1)   Fold the package. To better preserve the package, it would be good to fold as much as possible to minimize oxygen in the package.

2)   Slot the folded area through the protruding end

3)   Pull the package through the plastic clip completely

We offer this as an option for packages that require a clip at S $0.50 per clip.

This is not bundled as not everyone requires a clip- since its fairly durable after a while you would plenty of clips lying about.