New on English Wedding — Hen and Stag Weekend Ideas

By Claire

The pre-wedding adven­ture which, in our par­ents’ days, was one ale too many in the local pub / a bot­tle of wine with the girls at home, has turned into an extravaganza.

Hen and stag week­ends — a mod­ern adventure!

No longer are we con­tent with a quiet cel­e­bra­tion to send us into mar­ried life; as with wed­dings, hen and stag week­ends have become com­pet­i­tive, excit­ing, expen­sive and with more options than you can count on a Chippendale’s fin­gers, toes and… well.

While a part of me longs to hear about a new love of vin­tage hen nights and stag dos to go with the thrifty, hand­made wed­ding trend, I’m fas­ci­nated by all the options there are for hens and stags to let their hair down, dress up, dance, fight, scare them­selves silly and even paint each other.

So I’m shar­ing my favorite ideas: my top ten hen week­ends and stag week­ends, and I’m ask­ing you too:

Where will you be going, and what will you get up to… hen and stag week­end ideas: what tick­les your fancy?

In asso­ci­a­tion with: