New Music In The Works For Lio Nicol

Posted on the 08 October 2017 by Entertainmentjolt @Entertain_Jolt

Singer-Songwriter Lio Nicol was on one of our very first Fresh Finds Friday artist here at Entertainment Jolt.  If you didn’t have a chance to read our review of Lio’s newest single They Sent You Back Down I suggest that you do.  In the meantime let’s get to know Lio Nicol who is for sure an artist on the rise.  We also would like to thank her for taking her time and answering these questions.

What was your inspiration for “1”?

This EP was a small collection of some of the first songs I really felt like were the beginning of finding the style of music I truly love to sing. So there wasn’t necessarily a specific inspiration. It was more like, let me see what comes out of me when I just listen to my own thoughts.

What artist influenced the music you wrote?

To be completely honest, I couldn’t say. I did not approach any of these songs with exterior inspiration except for subconsciously of course. I honestly just sat down in a quiet room and wrote each of these songs. I do listen to a lot of 80’s rock music and 90’s and 2000 pop haha, so if you hear some of that in there it wouldn’t surprise me.

What made you decide to make the move from Missoula to California?

I just knew that it was the place to be. You can work as hard as you want at something but it really boils down to being in the right place at the right time, knowing the right people and being a great person. So moving to California was the obvious step.

What take away do you want your fans to get when they listen to your music?

I just hope that all music and especially mine can allow people to feel whatever they need to at the time of listening to a song. I also would love for them to take away wonder and thought. That’s what I love about music, it makes me think about things in a different way.

Looks like you are working on new music.  What can you tell us about the new music?

Yes I am! Well first I can tell you it’s slow rolling haha. But that’s because dream is to songwriter for other people so I’m usually trying to figure out who else could sing the songs I’m writing. BUT that being said there are a few I want to keep for my self and so you will be hearing those in 2017 and early 2018 for sure.

What style is the new music?

It’s definitely pop, but each song has it’s own little sub-genre version of pop, like soul and rock and indie. =) You’ll just have to wait and see. All I’m going to say is there are some good tom rolls in a couple of them.

Anyone, we know who you’ve been working with?

I love collaborating with people and Ben Sedano has been producing a lot of the songs I have been working on lately and has been a big part of the ones that I plan to release my self.  In addition to Ben, I have been able to write with some super talented friends, like Emily Herndon, Dave Yaden, Tova Litvan, and few others ;).

Before we go do you have any shows coming up where our viewers can come out and see you?

Yes and No. Unfortunately, I am not performing as much as I used to simply because I am focused on writing at the moment, but my plan for playing live in the near future is to play for the people that can’t really come out and see live music. I’ve been starting to dig into the idea of playing at local hospitals, care centers and youth group centers. Basically, I would like to play music for people who have a hard time going to see it.