New Moon in Virgo – Cleanse the Wounds and Change Your Life.

By Solarisastro @solarisastro

We have a new Moon in Virgo forming on the 5th September 2013 and as always New Moon give us the opportunities and the chance to start some new energy into our life. Virgo is a sign of service, of tending to the details, of analysing and cleaning up anything mess or junk that is in our lives, Virgo can’t abide anything that is not in order. This new Moon lights up the Virgo Pisces axis of the sky above us and highlights the small but significant asteroid Chiron.

This is the chart for the new Moon in Virgo on 5th September in London. There are 4 significant aspects connected to this new Moon, a trine to Pluto an inconjunct aspect to Uranus, a sextile to Jupiter and an opposition to Chiron. Opposing the New Moon in Pisces is the wounded healer and as you will appreciate this is the serving and suffering axis in the zodiac. This new Moon I feel gives you the chance to bring a little healing into an area of your life where you have suffered recently. Ask yourself, what sits between 10 and 13 degrees Virgo, Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer in your chart, what part of your life is being affected here? Is there a significant planet or influence that has caused you pain and trouble over the past few months, a wound that seems never to heal, a person or situation that has affected your life very deeply? Now you may be presented with a chance to find a little healing to this influence in your life. Here we can analyze and correct what is going wrong and make some decisions. Do we discard this person or influence from our lives or do we transform our relationship to it or them into something fresh, new and beneficial that can take you forward.

Why do I say this? Well because of the other planetary influences on this new Moon in a mutable sign, a sign of adaption. Pluto here in a trine in easy change and transformational mode. Trines from Pluto bring forth change much more readily and less painfully than is normal and this Pluto influence combined with the careful and thorough nature of the Virgo new Moon can clear a path for you now. The Uranus inconjunct aspect shows you can make radical adjustments in your life in getting rid of the dead wood from any situation, in discarding the old to be replaced by the new and the easy sextile from Jupiter brings opportunities to try something new, to expand and to explore.

Remember that all we have here is an opportunity and to benefit from the energy present you have to make things happen yourself by being a little pro-active. If you can soothe that part of your life that has been hurting you, then you may find that this new Moon promotes a chance for a fresh start and a little bit of optimism where before there was none.