The newly appointed Sports Minister Roshan Ranasinghe said that he does not interfere with any issues regarding the appointment of National Sports Council officials, athletes selections and appointment of officials for the Sports Bodies and his vision is to develop sports. Sports Minister Roshan Ranasinghe started his duties last Wednesday while he attended the Sports Ministry’s progress meeting.
This was a good opportunity for the Sports Minister to meet Sport Ministry officials and get a good understanding of the progress of the activities done by previous Ministers. His intention is very clear and his first task is to form the National Sports Council (NSC)as soon as possible.
The Sports Minister gave instructions to the Sports Ministry Secretary Anuradha Wijekoon and made arrangements to get the best persons for the new NSC. First, we have to invite suitable persons and then interview them to pick the best persons for the NSC. The Minister also pointed out he does not interfere with the selections of the teams and athletes and it has to be done by selectors and i will not influence them As the Minister of Sports, Youth Affairs and Irrigation it is a big responsibility for me to give all instructions without any political influence.
This is a very hard period and we have to realize this situation. Players and their infrastructure facilities are the key factors and we all have to work for the players’ benefit and develop their skills to get more medals and honor for the country. I think we have to focus more on athletes and officials have to work hard for them.
The officials and Sports Ministry always associate with each other but it has to benefit the players. The handling of finance is very important in this hard period and we have to do it very clearly with transparency.
I never encourage a lot of officials to go on overseas tours and it has to be handled very carefully. as we have to focus on cost-cutting. I have already given instructions to Sports and Youth Affairs Secretary Anuradha Wijekoon and Sports Director General Amal Edirisooriya both have good knowledge about previous activities and their progress.
Friday, May 27, 2022 – 01:00