New Media Vs. Old Media: Nintendo Hits the Fan...

By Kvlog101 @KVlog101
The last few months have shown how out of touch some of people and companies have become...
Nintendo hits the fan... 
 I just have to say it as it is because it is the only way to go:
Nintendo screwed up big time... 
Nintendo have made fools of themselves in the past week or so with their total lack of knowledge regarding how lets play advertising works, the company has made a fool of its own people and it has destroyed the credibility of the company in the eyes of the fans. The company have set in motion something that will for ever hang round the companies neck until it eventually goes under or is bought out by another company.
It raises questions in the gaming community and the YouTube community about the future of games and lets plays in the YouTube community. We are at the point were every games company is starting to reaffirm their positions on the subject and learn from this mistake that Nintendo have made.
I talked recently about new age media and how it has become better than the old media formats and led to a shift in the way everything works and as we go in to the future and the industries grow we need to get clear guidelines and people need to understand how the system works or we will have problems like this...
 what do you think to the Nintendo situation?
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